Monday 21 November 2011


Saturday night, the baby had her last feed at 11.30pm.

Then 1.00am.

Then it's all a jumbled mess where she was fed twice and resettled a few times at 3am, 4am, 5am, 6am, 7am, 8am and 10am.

When she was ready to nap, we put her in her cot. I'm not sure why, but I think it stemmed from both the husband and I wanting to teach her a bit of a lesson.

And the she napped for two hours (pretty much previously unheard of).

When we put her to bed at 11 last night, we kept our fingers crossed. Then she fed at 2.30am and we cursed her out.

And then she slept until 8am until I woke and went to check on her and then bumped the baby monitor which started to play music which woke her up. The husband resettled her then, and again at 9am. She fed at 10am, and after an hour or so of laying in with us, went back in her cot for her second two hour nap in two days.

I also had myself a 2 hour nap.

Aside from the small part of me that's worried she could be unwell with all this sleep, I am ecstatic with the cot. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

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